• 31 мая 2017, среда
  • Пермь, Решетниковский спуск 1 корпус 2

Global Agile&UX Practices Meetup

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2545 дней назад
31 мая 2017 c 19:00 до 21:00
Решетниковский спуск 1 корпус 2

We are excited to announce that RealtimeBoard is hosting another meetup. This time we invited our Power Users Lieuwe van Brug and Robert Kerssing for a lecture and a Q&A session.

Lieuwe van Brug is a coding architect and Agile specialist with over 20 years of professional experience. Robert Kerssing is a creative consultant specializing in user experience for enterprise web, mobile, TV and social media and research-based brand development. 
Together they founded frontall.io to connect UX/UI design to development using their own design system. 
Lieuwe and Robert both use RealtimeBoard collaboration and sharing all information with their clients. 
If you attend this meetup you will learn about: 
  • Global Agile&UX Practices
  • Effective collaboration between UX/UI designers and developers
  • Visual thinking and how it can help Agile teams deliver more value 
  • Using RealtimeBoard for collaboration and sharing information with co-workers and/or clients

Language of the Meetup: English.

Information: VK and FB.


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